corr columns

Quickly compute the column by column correlation between two large matrices
Updated 19 Oct 2012

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Use corr_col to quickly compute the column by column correlation between two large matrices that would be to large to compute using diag(corr(A,B))

C=CORR_COL(A, B) computes the correlation for each column in A of the congruent column in matrix B. A and B must be identical in size

C=CORR_COL(A, B, dim) computes the correaltions for the dimension specified in dim

This function produces nearly identical values as diag( corr( A,B )) but can be run on matrices that might be too large for diag( corr( A,B ))

The most up to date version of this code can be found at:

Cite As

Stuart Layton (2024). corr columns (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2012b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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