DFIG: Create a docked figure window

A (trivial but) convenient shortcut to create a docked figure window
Updated 12 Sep 2007

No License

DFIG works exactly as FIGURE, except that the figure is docked.

DFIG, by itself, creates a new docked figure window, and returns its handle.

DFIG(H) makes H the current figure and docks it. If Figure H does not exist, and H is an integer, a new figure is created with handle H.

DFIG is similar to DOCKF (File 12608), except that the behavior of DFIG is closer to that of FIGURE: when no argument is given, DFIG opens a new docked figure.

Cite As

Frederic Moisy (2025). DFIG: Create a docked figure window (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/16334-dfig-create-a-docked-figure-window), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2007a
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired by: Simple DOCK/UNDOCK commands, dock and undock figures

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