MATLAB oscilloscope application - simplified example

A simple GUI that demonstrates how to retreive and display data from an oscilloscope.
Updated 1 Sep 2016

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ScopeMath (fileid 13165) is a MATLAB-based GUI that uses the Instrument Control Toolbox to retrieve waveforms from an oscilloscope and analyze them in various ways. ScopeMath_Simple is a simplified version that demonstrates how to set up a similar GUI for your own purposes. It shows how to:
1) Create the GUI
2) Connect to the instrument
3) Get data from the instrument, and
4) Clean up the resources when exiting the program.

For more information on the Instrument Control Toolbox, see

Cite As

Gautam Vallabha (2025). MATLAB oscilloscope application - simplified example (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2007a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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