
Version (7.01 KB) by Zach
Adds a context menu to allow quick saving of matlab figures to Powerpoint (ppt), Word (doc), JPG and
Updated 29 Mar 2016

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Quick_Figure function adds context menus to a matlab figure that allows you to save to multiple formats for quick and easy use of plots in reports and presentations. Currently, quick_figure can save to Powerpoint (ppt), Word (doc), JPG, PDF, and Fig. This function uses a modified version of the saveppt and save2word functions - instead of copying the figure to the windows clipboard, the new function inserts an image of the plot to the document, allowing for a better looking result.
Usage is fairly simple, instead of typing
>> figure;
Type the following for a figure with the context menu already added:
>> quick_figure;
Type the following to add the context menu to any figure:
>> quick_figure('on');

Various preferences for the quick_figure functions are saved in the quick_figure_prefs.m file.

These functions require Ghostscript 8.51 or later, Powerpoint/Word 2003 or later.


Cite As

Zach (2025). Quick_Figure (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/14903-quick_figure), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2006a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired by: saveppt, save2word, savefig

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Version Published Release Notes

BSD License
I've updated the quick figure functions to simplify things a bit. All of the functions have now been consolidated into one m file and one preferences file.
