MATLAB application for data acquisition with NI devices
Updated 21 Apr 2023


DAQx is MATLAB GUI application made for data acquisition (with NI devices)


To have a single application that manages acquisition devices setup and acquire the data without spending much time on coding.


  • Data acquisition devices configuration within GUI
  • Data visualisation
  • Data export

How to install the application?


  • MATLAB R2022b (compatibility with other versions is to be checked)
  • NI DAQmx drivers (compatible with your acquisition device)
  • Data Acquisition Toolbox

The code is distributed as the .mlapp file which you can open within MATLAB.

How to use the application?

The process is shown in the video below (check GitHub page if you are unable to see it).


How to support this project?

  • To-do list:
    • Add clocks, triggers functionality
    • Verify that properties for devices/channels have been updated properly
    • Verify if it works with directsound drivers or other devices
    • Calculation options (real-time or after acquisition is completed)
      • Average, sum
      • FFT
      • etc.
    • GUI improvements
      • Yellow buttons are reserved for future features (maybe removed and redesigned)
    • Workflow improvements
    • Design improvements
    • Data structure organisation and coherence
    • Data export
    • Your ideas
  • Coffee

Cite As

Mario Malic (2024). DAQx (https://github.com/MarioMalic/DAQx/releases/tag/v1.0.0), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.