Clear Filters
Clear Filters

To desing low pass FIR filter analysis and application

1 view (last 30 days) design lp fir filter using fir1, fir2 ,firpm 2. use three cutoff frequencies 500-1000hz, 1001-2000hz,2001-3000hz 3.plot frequency response using freqz and fft 4.find the group delay using angle() unwrap() freqz() and diff() 5.filter signal using filter() and then play original and sound and filtered using soundsc() the outputs of myfilter() function to implement filtering operation
amongst all these please let me know how can i use combination like plot ( 20*log10(abs(fft(b,8000)))); type of command..
i already used fir1 and got attenuation of min 40db .. played the original sound signal.. struggling with from 3rd step starting with fft and plot function

Accepted Answer

Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou on 1 Sep 2013
Generally the returned values from filter design function are two vector a and b that represent the nominator and denominator of the the transfer function H, you can follow this protocol :
% Example of the vector a and b :
b=[1.2 0.9 1 2 2.3 6];
a=[1.6 0.75 1 1 -1 0.99];
N=512; % number of points for frequency computation
Fs=8000; % 8Khz
figure, plot(f,20*log10(abs(h)));
tilak tenneti
tilak tenneti on 1 Sep 2013
hi youssef, in this case i have to take filter coefficients for b
i have tried this... x=wavread('thermo.wav'); soundsc(x,8000); b=fir1(100,0.385,'low'); a=fir1(200,0.475,'low'); N=512; Fs=8000; [h,f]=freqz(b,a,N,Fs); figure, plot(f,20*log10(abs(h)));
pls let me know how to use plot with diff angel and unwrap ??
Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou on 2 Sep 2013
You can apply the Discrete Fourier Transform to vectors a and b you created :
figure, plot(20*log10(abs(Fa(1:end/2))));
figure,psd(a), % Built in function PSD
% Same goes for b .....
You can compute the phase angle as the following :
%Given your signal y original or filtered
figure, plot(Frequency,P);

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