How to search a table inside a cell

1 view (last 30 days)
Jason Burke
Jason Burke on 8 Apr 2021
Commented: Adam Danz on 8 Apr 2021
I have been given a workspace that has a cell variable that is 1x10 inside each cell is a table that is 100x16. Each column in each table has the same var names (time, rpm, temp, p1, p2, etc...).
I want to search the table in data(1,1) to find the first time what the temp is 300, but cannot figure out how.
Jason Burke
Jason Burke on 8 Apr 2021
I cannot find the syntax to access the table from the cell. The table that I want is at a(1,1) but when I try to look at the table I cannot figure that out.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 8 Apr 2021
Access the cell using curly brackets.
Access a column variable in a table using dot-notation.

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