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what is exactly yhat in output of regstat ?

2 views (last 30 days)
I use regstats to fit a nonlinear trend. I just check as an example the firt using a linear fit with regstats. X is my time series (length = 2000).. I used s=regstats([1:2000],X,'linear').
Then I am surprised that s.yhat is ... non linear while the fitted value (a straight line in my case) is retrieven accurately using fit=s.beta(1)*[1:2000]+s.beta(2);
So what is exactly s.yhat ?
Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Tom Lane
Tom Lane on 30 Apr 2013
Looks to me like you reversed the two inputs to regstats. Unfortunately this function takes (y,x) rather then (x,y):
>> help regstats
regstats Regression diagnostics for linear models.
regstats(RESPONSES,DATA,MODEL) regresses measurements in the vector

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