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Clear Filters

Small Value bars are missing in bar graph.

1 view (last 30 days)
I have two 24x16 matrix. For each row of these matrixs, I am ploting 24 different bar graphs on one figure with same y-axis limit for all graphs. Some of entries of that matrix are very small as compared to others and bars of these small values are missing (as you can see in the figure some bars are not there although matrix entries are not zero at these locations).

Answers (1)

Abdolkarim Mohammadi
Abdolkarim Mohammadi on 16 Sep 2020
Edited: Abdolkarim Mohammadi on 16 Sep 2020
You can add a constant to the bars with small values. For example:
X (X<4) = X (X<4) + 0.2;


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