Data of a .mat file

2 views (last 30 days)
Hege on 11 Jul 2020
Edited: Hege on 11 Jul 2020
I have an example .mat file (First Image)and I want a .mat file which represents the data like the example .mat file. I converted my script to .mat file(2nd IMage). but I want the data like the example.mat file to import the data to another programmes(4th image). specially the x,y, and z coordinates ,bytes and class types. I have attached my programme(3rd Image), and it's converted .mat file(unsuccessful file-2nd image). My ultimate goal is to fulfill the requiremtents of the 4th image to view my model.Appreciate your comments. and also how should I share my matlab files to directly for this page?
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 11 Jul 2020
Edited: madhan ravi on 11 Jul 2020
You can upload your files by pressing the paper clip button. By the way have you looked into save() ?
Hege on 11 Jul 2020
Edited: Hege on 11 Jul 2020
Thank you Madhan. yes. save example.mat type. I have a script file(3rd image). but I converted it a .mat file. But I dont have any idea how I should get the x,y, and z coordinates.

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