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Time-shift after fft & filter?

3 views (last 30 days)
Shaula Garibbo
Shaula Garibbo on 12 Jun 2020
Commented: Shaula Garibbo on 12 Jun 2020
I tried to implement a simple LP filter on an audio file, but I'm slightly confused by the apparent shifting of the signal in the time domain. What have I overlooked / misunderstood? Thanks.
filename = 'Raw_Wav_20180425_000226.wav';
[y,fs] = audioread(filename);
xlabel('Time (s)')
fmax1 = 40; %end of pass band
fmax2 = 60; %end of transition band
nt = length(y);
t = [0:nt-1]/fs;
y = y-mean(y);
dF = fs/nt;
f = -fs/2:dF:fs/2-dF;
yft = fftshift(fft(y));
I = find(abs(f)>fmax2);
yft(I) = 0;
I = find( abs(f)>fmax1 & abs(f)<=fmax2 );
yft(I) = yft(I) .* hanning(length(I));
y = ifftshift(ifft(yft));
xlabel('Time (s)')

Accepted Answer

Sugar Daddy
Sugar Daddy on 12 Jun 2020
As you have taken fft first and then fftshift, so if you want to do inverse of this, you need inverse of fftshift first as it is performed at the end. so the order of inverse must be
  1. ifftshift
  2. fft

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