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fmincon minimum number of iterations

64 views (last 30 days)
Are there any way to set minimum number of iterations in fmincon.
I don't want to stop algorithm when
options.OptimalityTolerance = 0,
options.ConstraintTolerance = 0, and
options.StepTolerance = 0.
I want fmincon to stop at the desired iterations for comparing with other algorithms.
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 5 Apr 2020
So you want the algorithm to run even after it finds the optimal value?
Shun Arahata
Shun Arahata on 5 Apr 2020
Yes. I am solving a nonconvex optimization problem.
I think fmincon stops when first order KKT condition is satisfied.
So fmincon might stop at a saddle point (not global optima value ).
However, I am comparing with another algorithm which converge to second order stationary points (i.e. algorithm does not stop at a strict saddle point).
What I want to see is given fixed iteration numbers then fmincon stops at saddle point however another algortihm does not stop at saddle point.
A good example is as follows. from
PGD( projected gradient descent) can't escape from saddle point.
So there is no change in loss value of PGD.
On the other hand, SNAP( proposed algorithm in the paper ) can escape from saddle point.

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Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 5 Apr 2020
This shows how you can force fmincon to keep searching until a fixed number of iterations is reached. It uses a simple objective function, but fmincon still run to 1000 iterations.
opts = optimoptions('fmincon', ...
'OptimalityTolerance', 0, ...
'StepTolerance', 0, ...
'MaxFunctionEvaluations', inf,...
'MaxIterations', 1000);
[X,f,~,out] = fmincon(@(x) x.^2, 1, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], opts);
Shun Arahata
Shun Arahata on 5 Apr 2020
This is exactly what I want to do. Thanks a lot.

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