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Naive Bayes for image processing

3 views (last 30 days)
khcy82dyc on 1 Oct 2012
Hi, I'm very new to matlab and now I need to implement skin detection using Baysian classification. I read a bit of tutorial for NaiveBayes and came out with the following:
nbGau=,1:2), species);
nbGauClass= nbGau.predict(P(:,1:2));
is it the right way for training and sampling? if I'm still correct, how can I get "species" value?
Please inspire me of how to implement Bayesian classification in image processing... Thanks so much in advance!
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Oct 2012
Edited: Image Analyst on 1 Oct 2012
What toolbox is all this stuff in? Can you add it to the Products below? It's not in the Image Processing Toolbox.

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Answers (1)

Kapil Nagwanshi
Kapil Nagwanshi on 1 Oct 2012
Edited: Kapil Nagwanshi on 1 Oct 2012
I think you are going through
1 load fisheriris
2 O1 =,species);
3 C1 = O1.predict(meas);
4 cMat1 = confusionmat(species,C1)
The first line loads a double 2d matrix called as meas and also a cell of 150x1 displaying (See RHS workspace box) 'setosa' ... ... in your case i dont know what you want to classify but the steps you want to try must alter to the standard way. see

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