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How can I run a report setup file from within an app?

3 views (last 30 days)
I can run a report setup file from the command window to generate a report when all my data is in the workspace. If I try to run the report from within an app, constructed by appdesigner, the report contains no data in the Variable or the Array-Based Table components. How do I get the report setup file to fetch the data from the app?
Code from appdesigner used for a push button:
function REPORTButtonPushed(app, event)
report Test -fpdf
The report is supposed to include the Assay-Based Table MS_sumtab, but it doesn't work.

Accepted Answer

Mary Abbott
Mary Abbott on 20 Aug 2019
The Variable and Array-Based Table components use variables from the base workspace. In the REPORTButtonPushed callback, the variable MS_sumtab is defined only in the callback's workspace. You can define the variable in the base workspace using the assignin function:
function REPORTButtonPushed(app, event)
assignin('base', 'MS_sumtab', table2cell(app.SumTab));
report Test -fpdf

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