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Simscape: liquid hydrogen

6 views (last 30 days)
Paolo Bader
Paolo Bader on 9 May 2019
Commented: Paolo Bader on 24 May 2019
I'm simulating a fluid turbomachinery assembly involving liquid hydrogen. The block "Thermal Liquid Properties (TL)" contains only a short thermal liquid fluid list, which not includes liquid hydrogen. Do I have to specify its physical and chemical properties in the block "Thermal Liquid Settings (TL)"? Is there any existing downloadable content I can use?
Thank you for your attention

Answers (1)

Pruthvi Muppavarapu
Pruthvi Muppavarapu on 15 May 2019
Hi Paolo,
Feel free to look into the followig documentation to further learn about thernal liquid models and a list of "Thermal Liquid Systems" examples provided along with them in the documentation link:
Hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Paolo Bader
Paolo Bader on 24 May 2019
Thank you Pruthvi for your answer, but I've already read that documents; unluckily there is nothing ready about liquid hydrogen.

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