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Error using bsxfun??

3 views (last 30 days)
Oman Wisni
Oman Wisni on 24 Nov 2018
Edited: Oman Wisni on 25 Nov 2018
Hi, I want to display the results of the calculations that I made, I want to add two values with different matrix sizes, I use 2 ways by adding regular (+) and using bsxfun. But both errors. have code like below :
D = 25 ;
K = 11;
h = 100;
reg = 0.01;
w1 = 0.01*randn(D,h);
w2 = 0.01*randn(h,K);
a = 0.5.*reg.*(W1.*W1);
b = 0.5.*reg.*(W2.*W2);
reg_los1 = a+b;
reg_los = bsxfun(@plus, a,b);
for i = 1:100;
fprintf('Iteration: %d \n' , i);
If there are another way to fix, I hope someone can improve my code, thank you.
  1 Comment
Jan on 24 Nov 2018
Please do not post just "But both errors", but pos the complete error messages in the forum. It is easier to fix a problem than to guess, what the problem is.

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Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 24 Nov 2018
Edited: madhan ravi on 24 Nov 2018
Try :
D = 25 ;
K = 11;
h = 100;
reg = 0.01;
iteration=1000; % i can't see this being used anywhere?
w1 = 0.01*randn(D,h);
w2 = 0.01*randn(h,K);
a = 0.5.*reg.*(w1.*w1); % -> matlab is case sensitive
b = 0.5.*reg.*(w2.*w2);
reg_los1 = a+b; %remove this line because im not sure this will work in previous versions
reg_los = bsxfun(@plus, a,b);
for i = 1:100;
fprintf('Iteration: %d \n' , i);
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 25 Nov 2018
please use google before asking , type argmax matlab and mean matlab you will find the answer in the first link
Oman Wisni
Oman Wisni on 25 Nov 2018
Edited: Oman Wisni on 25 Nov 2018
already asking google, but I don't understand. Yes I will try ask again.

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