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How can I edit the output of xlsread to make each column of the Excel file a single variable in a structure?

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a set of excel files, each of which contains three columns (2 examples are included). I am converting them to .mat files using the code
files = dir('LIV Data*.xlsx');
for k = 1:numel(files)
[num,text,raw] = xlsread(files(k).name);
[dummy, myName] = fileparts(files(k).name);
which works fine. However, I then want each of the columns to be an individual variable. I can load the files using the code
D = 'My Directory';
S = dir(fullfile(D,'LIV Data T= *.mat')); % Makes a structure with all files
N = numel(S); % Counts number of files
for ii = 1:N
T = load(fullfile(D,S(ii).name));
I = T.num
which loads each of the data sets as three columns. I then want to separate each of these columns into a single data set so that I can plot e.g. column 1 and column 3 against each other. How can I do this?

Answers (1)

Guillaume on 7 Nov 2018
Note: Use ~ to ignore a function output instead of creating a dummy variable. So:
[~, myName] = fileparts(files(k).name);
The simplest way to create variables out of your excel data is to forget about the ancient xlsread and use the modern readtable which loads the spreadsheet into a table. If your excel file has a header readtable will detect that and use it to name the variables of the table. Otherwise, it'll use Var1, Var2, ... as names but you can easily change these.
I would recommend you keep the data as a single table rather than then separating it into individual variables.
Note that if you want to plot column 3 against column 1, you don't need to create individual variables for that anyway. With your current code, it's simply:
plot(num(:, 3), num(:, 1));
As a rule, it's never a good idea to split data into individual variables.

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