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Image processing toolbox problems

2 views (last 30 days)
Abdul Salam
Abdul Salam on 6 Nov 2018
Commented: Abdul Salam on 13 Nov 2018
I have academic licensed MATLAB.i want to do particle shape recognition but whenever i use few functions like 'BW'. this msg pops up:To use BW', the following product must be licensed, installed, and enabled: "Image Processing Toolbox". Although it's already installed and enabled.any tips?
Nick on 11 Nov 2018
You can check the license while inside matlab by typing this in the command windows
license checkout Image_Toolbox
If it returns 1 it indicates your toolbox is properly licensed and the problem is elsewhere (unlikely given your error message), otherwise it should return an error that might give you a bit more information to what the issue is.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Nov 2018
Nick, can you post this as an official "Answer" down in the "Answer" section rather than here as a comment where people ask the poster for clarification on the question. You can even get "credit" for it if you post it down there.

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Accepted Answer

Nick on 13 Nov 2018
You can check the license while inside matlab by typing this in the command windows
license checkout Image_Toolbox
If it returns 1 it indicates your toolbox is properly licensed and the problem is elsewhere (unlikely given your error message), otherwise it should return an error that might give you a bit more information to what the issue is.
  1 Comment
Abdul Salam
Abdul Salam on 13 Nov 2018
Thanks a lot for your solved my problem.

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