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How can I speed up simulation of my PEAK USB CAN simulink Library on Raspberry Pi in External Mode?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have implemented PEAK USB CAN simulink Library which will work on raspberry pi in External Model. The Library contains PCAN Initialization and PCAN Read simulink blocks which will work as hardware support packages. when i run the simulation on Raspberry Pi to read CAN data from PCAN Channels(PCAN_USBBUS1 to 6). There is a delay in simulation. CAN data is updating after some time. i observed 2 to 3 min delay. The simulink Library depends on PCANBASIC library which is installed on raspberry pi.
How can i speed up the simulation?
  1 Comment
srikanth balla
srikanth balla on 6 Sep 2018
Edited: srikanth balla on 12 Sep 2018
I have changed the sampling time in C-Mex Code. Now the Library is working fine for Normal mode but in external mode it is giving 6sec delay

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Answers (1)

srikanth balla
srikanth balla on 12 Sep 2018
srikanth balla
srikanth balla on 1 Nov 2018
Edited: srikanth balla on 1 Nov 2018
i have enabled Detect Overrun in model configuration parameters.
The following message is captured in log file of model
"Overrun detected: The sample time for the rate 0 is too short."
after some time of execution PCAN Library is not receiving CAN messages.
robert youth
robert youth on 24 Dec 2020
Hi @ srikanth balla, This is such a wonderful project, good job! I wonder why no one has ever interested in using PCAN on Rpi or has been able to provide any assistance on this topic.
However I had no luck in running external mode, the progress stuck in the compilation phase. It would be super if there is any document provided.

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