mldivide does not support sparse inputs for code generation

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Is there any function which can be replaced with 'mldivide'.
Actually I am trying to make generate C code for 'regionfill' command. But I think because of 'mldivide' inside the regionfill, it is not generating C code.
How can Isolve this problem?

Answers (1)

Rik on 10 Jul 2018
You can try making a copy of this function, and editing it, so you avoid the sparse function, as that is causing the problem here:
i=[1 2 1];j=[1 1 2];s=[3 2 1];
The tricky thing is that the sparse function is there for a reason: it makes things more efficient. You only need to hope either method (using full or filling a zeros) will not decrease the efficiency so much that generating C code and running the compiled code is not useful anymore.
Last note: don't edit the actual Matlab function, but create a copy. That might mean you are no longer allowed to share your compiled function, as it contains code by the Mathworks.
Rik on 10 Jul 2018
I think we discovered why it uses a sparse array...
Now your job becomes much more difficult: re-implementing mldivide, looking through its code (or using third party solvers). What is that pcg line? You could try if that one supports sparse arrays.
JAI PRAKASH on 10 Jul 2018
pcg is an alternative to mldivide.
This pcg solves faster than mldivide but unfortunately does not supported by Matlab Coder.
So I think thats why regionfill is also not supported by matlab coder.

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