Matlab and Wordpress mysql

2 views (last 30 days)
Mirko on 23 May 2018
Commented: Mirko on 28 May 2018
Good morning, i would like to know if there is a way to write a data in mysql database using php code in my wordpress blog.
Rik on 25 May 2018
You could write data to a mySQL database fairly easily with the database toolbox (or so the doc leads me to believe), no need for PHP. You can of course build the PHP syntax with Matlab and then run it through some system call, but having a clear description why your goal would benefit from using the tools you propose will help people help you. Until you add more information, I'm closing your question. Once you edit it to add information and clarification, it will automatically re-open.
Mirko on 28 May 2018
The goal of my project is to use matlab to store data from a sensor installed on Arduino on a website. Website managers do not provide direct access to the database. For this reason it is not possible to use "Database Explorer". My idea was to use PHP or HTML code to access the database from the website itself and pass data from Matlab to PHP / HTML. In this way I can write the data in the Database. My question is: Where can I find material to let MATLAB communicate with PHP or HTML? Are there any examples that allow this exchange of data? Thank you.

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