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How to change the centre of one face of a cone

1 view (last 30 days)
Im trying to design a cone where the centre for one of the faces is offset from the centre of the other face, as in the picture
This is the code I've done for a basic cone with two faces. Thanks
axis equal;

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Apr 2018

Try this:

a = linspace(0, 2*pi);
ra = 1;
rb = 5;
apex = [rb*cos(a); ra*cos(a)];
base = [rb*sin(a)+rb; ra*sin(a)+ra];
h = 10;
z = [h*ones(size(a)); zeros(size(a))];
surf((apex), (base), z)
axis equal
shading interp
Jonathan Bird
Jonathan Bird on 22 Apr 2018
If apex is y values and base x values why don't we do surf((base),(apex),z) as we normally do surf(x,y,z)? Please could you also try to explain what the matrix z would look like, I'm guessing its also 2x100 with the value of h in the first row and zeros in the second row? Thanks
Star Strider
Star Strider on 22 Apr 2018

You can certainly rename them and then switch their order in the surf call. Note that ‘apex’ and ‘base’ are each (2x100) matrices. The x-coordinates are cos values, and the y-coordinates are sin values, each forming a different circle. The exact order doesn’t matter, so long as the two circles get drawn. The z-coordinate (another (2x100) matrix) displaces them in the third dimension, forming the cone.

And you’re correct about the structure of z. If you want the z-coordinates to be different, use this:

z = [h1*ones(size(a)); h2*ones(size(a))];

That will plot one circle at ‘h1’ and the other at ‘h2’, forming the cone between those values.

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