Converting the 3D Matrix to 2D Matrix

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I have a matrix outputs from my function in the following form;
Basically, its a result of pairwise comparison of a matrix
(5 x 5)
different modalities (types).
I wish to convert this matrix with each pairwise comparison matrix separately with respect to different modalities.i.e I wish to have the result as below;
1 2 3
i1 j1 k1
i2 j2 k2
i3 . .
i4 . .
i5 . .
i6 . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
i25 j25 k25
I checked the example using Reshape and could not get much from it. Can anyone please help me through? Thanks
Jan on 16 Apr 2018
I do not understand, what "i1, j1, k1" means. Where are they found in the original data? The problem can be solved by:
y = reshape(permute(reshape(x, Size1), Order2), Size3)
All you need is to find the matching parameters Size1, Order2 and Size3.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 16 Apr 2018
Edited: Jan on 16 Apr 2018

The general reordering of elements can be done by:

y = reshape(permute(reshape(x, Size1), Order2), Size3)

In your case (perhaps - still not sure what "i1, j1, k1 etc" means):

x = zeros(3,5,5);
x(:) = 1:3*5*5;   % Some test data
y = reshape(permute(reshape(x, 3, 25), [2, 1]), [25, 3])

If this is the wanted output, there is an abbreviation:

y = reshape(x, 3, 25).'

permute(Matrix, [2,1]) is the same as mtranspose() and the 2nd reshape is not required here. But it is worth to keep the general transformation in mind.

  1 Comment
Marimuthu Ananthavelu
Marimuthu Ananthavelu on 18 Apr 2018
Hi please note that the i,j,k are nothing but the elements of the matrix. And I just mentioned them for the sake of clarity. Thanks for your answer.

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