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Concatenate a variable number of matrices

2 views (last 30 days)
Yasmin Tamimi
Yasmin Tamimi on 23 Oct 2017
Edited: Stephen23 on 23 Oct 2017
Hi All,
How can I concatenate a variable number of matrices that is decided by the user's input?
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Stephen23 on 23 Oct 2017
Edited: Stephen23 on 23 Oct 2017
This is simple. Ensure that you store all of the matrices in one cell array C, then you can simply do this:
You can change the dimension to suit your needs. Also you can easily select how many you want to concatenate, by using simple and efficient indexing 1:N:
Note that accessing lots of separate variables inside a loop is very slow, complex and buggy:

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Answers (1)

KL on 23 Oct 2017
Edited: KL on 23 Oct 2017
I suppose your matrices have (in fact, they should be) consistent dimensions, so you could as well store them in ND array.
dummy = rand(3,3,5);
user_choice = 3; %concatenate first 3 matrices
res = reshape(dummy(:,:,1:user_choice),size(dummy,1),size(dummy,2)*user_choice)
Is this what you want?


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