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Reading numeric part of line n MATLAB

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have stream gauge information as attached. I want to read the numeric part of line # 15, i.e., catchment area leaving the string part. I tried it like this:
fid_AR = fopen(['Z:\USER\Eva_Steirou\data_GRDC\',Station_name]);
charCell_AR = textscan(fid_AR,'%s','Delimiter','\n');
I could extract line 15, but don't know how to extract only numeric part of the line in number form.

Accepted Answer

Cam Salzberger
Cam Salzberger on 7 Sep 2017
Edited: Cam Salzberger on 10 Sep 2017
Hello Poulomi,
If you know that you'll only ever have a single colon (:) character in the row, you can use that to split off the numeric part. Here's an example of how to do it with regular expressions:
s = '# Catchment area (km²): 122.300';
tok = regexp(s,'[^:]+:\s+([\S]+)','tokens');
But you could do it even simpler with strsplit and strtrim:
c = strsplit(s,':');

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