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For Loop and final output matrix

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Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara on 4 Oct 2016
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 5 Oct 2016
Hello Matlab Wizards, I hope everyone is doing wonderful. I have written a code that has an outside loop that consists of basically increasing the values of all variables in one of the input matrices within the second column incrementally from 0:750. The end product is a matrix that is computed based on some other matrices. What I would like help with is; I need to get some intermediate matrices out everytime an iteration takes place( i.e., if the loop goes 10 times, I need to save a particular intermediate matrix ten times) because I have to verify something. This is an example of my code:
function [CrUnit,AgrCarbonSimuN1,CR9,AgrCarbonSimuN2,AgrCarbonSimuN3,MN, MSA1,...
MSA2, MSA3] = CarbonProject(X, Lam,Y,UnitArea,ALLC3P,n,m)
%Carbon Storage convereted by Spatial Unit by period ( Period 1 through 3)
for k=0:750;
[Mtest,MN, MN1, MN2, MN3, Mtest1, Mtest2] = Predict_all( X,Lam,Y)
[MS1, MS2,MS3,MSA1,MSA2, MSA3, MSA ] = MatrixCountnew(Mtest1,Mtest2,...
MN1, MN2, MN3,Y,UnitArea,n)
[CS,CS3030,CSLS,SUMCSLS,CrUnit] = CarbonPixels( ALLC3P,MSA,UnitArea,m );
for j=1:44040 ;
Period1Carbon= CR9(1:14680);
Period2Carbon= CR9(14681:29360);
Period3Carbon= CR9(29361:44040);
for cr7=1:14680;
So basically, by the end of each iteation(i=0:750) I would like to have these matrices: MN1, and MSA1 not just when all the loop is done 750 times. I hope I made some sense.
dpb on 4 Oct 2016
What's the dimension of the two arrays of interest now?
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 5 Oct 2016
CrUnit - array with size: (1 x 1 x 44040)?

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Answers (2)

Benjaminas Marcinkevicius
Example how i usually do it, a big ugly, but works if understood your problem correctly. you end up with cell array filled with your desired matrix.
a = cell(20,1); % create cell array
for j=1:20
if (mod(j,10) == 0) % condition how often do you want to dump your matrix
a{j,1}= [1 1 1 1 1];
a = a(~cellfun('isempty',a)) % clear empty cell arrays
  1 Comment
Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara on 5 Oct 2016
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 5 Oct 2016
Good morning Ben, I replied but for some reason, it did not post to your answer as well. Here is what I wrote:
Thank you so much for taking the time to help with this. You wrote a really elaborate code that I am having a hard time using because of the variety of the dimensions of my output matrices. lol Let me make my question simpler and clearer if I may. The objective is to get a set of matrices( one set of output) after every iteration is done (i.e, if i=0:10, then after 11 loops I should have 11 sets of output matrices). This is simply done by increasing one set of variables from one input matrix X(:,2) incrementally by 1 from 0 to 10. So for example, MN is a 3D matrix that has 14680 (5*5) matrices in it. So I need to have one set of MN after each iteration is done so basically 11 MN. here is a more simplified version of my code only focusing on few matrices.
function [MNPr1,MSA1,MSA1Trans] = Prb_Trans_CR7(X, Lam,Y,UnitArea,n,m)
%Carbon Storage convereted by Spatial Unit by period ( Period 1 through 3)
for k=0:10;
[Mtest,MN, MN1, MN2, MN3, Mtest1, Mtest2] = Predict_all( X,Lam,Y)
[ MS1, MS2,MS3,MSA1,MSA2, MSA3, MSA ] =...
MatrixCountnew(Mtest1,Mtest2, MN1, MN2, MN3,Y,UnitArea,n)

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Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 5 Oct 2016
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 5 Oct 2016
function [CrU,AgrCarbonSimu,MN,MN1,MSA1, MSA2, MSA3]...
= CarbonProject(X, Lam,Y,UnitArea,ALLC3P,n,m)
%Carbon Storage convereted by Spatial Unit by period ( Period 1 through 3)
AgrCarbonSimu = zeros(14680,751,3);
xx = bsxfun(@plus,X(:,2),0:750);
MN = cell(751,1);
MN1 = cell(751,1);
MSA1 = cell(751,1);
MSA2 = cell(751,1);
MSA3 = cell(751,1);
CrU = zeros(14680,751);
for k = 1:751;
[Mtest,MN{k}, MN1{k}, MN2, MN3, Mtest1, Mtest2] = Predict_all(xx(:,k),Lam,Y)
[MS1, MS2,MS3,MSA1{k},MSA2{k}, MSA3{k}, MSA ]...
= MatrixCountnew(Mtest1,Mtest2,MN1{k}, MN2, MN3,Y,UnitArea,n);
[CS,CS3030,CSLS,SUMCSLS,CrU(:,k)] = CarbonPixels( ALLC3P,MSA,UnitArea,m );
AgrCarbonSimu(:,k+1,:) = reshape(CrU(:,k),[],3);
  1 Comment
Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara on 5 Oct 2016
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 5 Oct 2016
Hello Andrei, Thank you so much for taking the time to help with this. You wrote a really elaborate code that I am having a hard time using because of the variety of the dimensions of my output matrices. lol Let me make my question simpler and clearer if I may. The objective is to get a set of matrices( one set of output) after every iteration is done (i.e, if i=0:10, then after 11 loops I should have 11 sets of output matrices). This is simply done by increasing one set of variables from one input matrix X(:,2) incrementally by 1 from 0 to 10. So for example, MN is a 3D matrix that has 14680 (5*5) matrices in it. So I need to have one set of MN after each iteration is done so basically 11 MN. here is a more simplified version of my code only focusing on few matrices.
function [MNPr1,MSA1,MSA1Trans] = Prb_Trans_CR7(X, Lam,Y,UnitArea,n,m)
%Carbon Storage convereted by Spatial Unit by period ( Period 1 through 3)
for k=0:10;
[Mtest,MN, MN1, MN2, MN3, Mtest1, Mtest2] = Predict_all( X,Lam,Y)
[ MS1, MS2,MS3,MSA1,MSA2, MSA3, MSA ] = ...
MatrixCountnew(Mtest1,Mtest2, MN1, MN2, MN3,Y,UnitArea,n)
the beginning has Xv=X and closing the code has X=Xv; that's basically used to reset the values of X(:,2) after each iteration is done. I hope I explained better! THANK YOU so much

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