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Add storm time and date to the trajectory plot of tropical cyclone.

1 view (last 30 days)
Hey there I have the lat lon of the observed track of a tropical cyclone. I plotted it on the map using m_map, plotm. Now I want to add date and time of occurence of the storm track, putting a marker at locations of the track in every 3 hour duration. How to do it ?

Answers (1)

KSSV on 3 Aug 2016
doc text...
text takes x,y position and data to be written at (x,y)
Add on 3 Aug 2016
This is not about adding one date and one time. The date and time are stored in 1st column of the data and I want to add it to the respective location of the marker. the code looks like this
load coast
m_proj('mercator','long',[78 98],'lat',[06 24]);
axesm('MapProjection','mercator','MapLatLimit',[06 24],'MapLonLimit',[78 98]);
m_coast('patch',[0.7 0.7 0.6]);
hold on
for i=1:1:length(H);
hold off
Now I want to add date from column 1 (H), to the locations of the plot.
KSSV on 4 Aug 2016
How many number it may be.....put the locations matrix and data matrix in the text...

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