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Matlab Coder simple .dll generation

3 views (last 30 days)
Ali Taaher
Ali Taaher on 16 Feb 2016
Answered: Bill Chou on 17 Feb 2016
Hello, I have generated a .dll library from a very simple Matlab function (z=x+y). I have transferred the library to Labview realtime OS (Pharlab). But Unfortunately, I received an error which said that this library use the kernel32.dll functions (GetEnviromentStringA) which are not supported on this OS. I have found that the .dll compilers use some windows APIs. Is there any option to generate a .dll file without this function (GetEnviromentStringA)? I have found that the Visual studio 6 compliler generate compatible libraries for labview realtime? Is it possible to set it as Matlab2015b compiler?

Answers (1)

Bill Chou
Bill Chou on 17 Feb 2016
You could try generating just source code, then use a compiler that works with Pharlab. Generating source code should exclude the use of calls to GetEnviromentStringA.


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