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Change button color and text after it is clicked

14 views (last 30 days)
Hi all, i was wondering if there is a way to change the color and text of a button created with "guide". For example if it is clicked it should say running... and not being clicked anymore?

Accepted Answer

Chandra Kurniawan
Chandra Kurniawan on 6 Jan 2012
in the pushbutton callback write:
Chandra Kurniawan
Chandra Kurniawan on 6 Jan 2012
Yes, of course
Let the OP develop the way he thought!

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More Answers (2)

Sagar on 4 Jul 2013
But how to change the color of the text that gets printed onto the pushbutton when it is clicked ?
  1 Comment
Nikhil Magdum
Nikhil Magdum on 28 Feb 2014

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munib chauhan
munib chauhan on 23 Feb 2017
you can use this also for text and color change set(handles.togglebutton1,'string','ON','enable','on','BackgroundColor','green');


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