Clear Filters
Clear Filters

How do I get a median filtered image?

2 views (last 30 days)
kiruthika r
kiruthika r on 25 Aug 2015
Edited: Guillaume on 26 Aug 2015
How do I get a median filtered image? I want to convert the first image like the second image using median filter.

Answers (1)

David Young
David Young on 25 Aug 2015
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can use medfilt2.
kiruthika r
kiruthika r on 26 Aug 2015
When I use medfilt2 code, I am getting the image exactly like my first image.
Guillaume on 26 Aug 2015
Edited: Guillaume on 26 Aug 2015
Have you tried increasing the size of the kernel. The default is 3x3. Your desired output image is extremely blurred indicative of a large kernel.
medfilt2(img, [10 10]); %kernel size of 10
Note that even with the default, the output of medfilt2 is never exactly the same as the input (unless your image is just uniform)

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