After careful investigation and thought, axes itself is camera controlled, and the default parent object is figure, if you want to limit the area, you can do so by specifying Panel, Tab object.
But specifying tiledlayout, uigridlayout object can't work! If anyone knows anything, please let me know.
p = uipanel(Position=[0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5]);
% define my axes visual region, bottom left
ax = axes(p);
% my plot
[X, Y, Z] = sphere(30);
surf(ax, X, Y, Z,FaceColor="none",EdgeColor="black");
% my camera setting
ax.DataAspectRatio = [1,1,1];
ax.CameraPosition = [0,0,0];
ax.CameraTarget = [1,0,0];
ax.CameraUpVector = [0,0,1];
ax.CameraViewAngle = 20

ax =
Axes with properties:
XLim: [-1 1]
YLim: [-1 1]
XScale: 'linear'
YScale: 'linear'
GridLineStyle: '-'
Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150]
Units: 'normalized'
Use GET to show all properties