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whats is this block and how can i find it in simulink

1 view (last 30 days)
can someone please explain which block is this? Its a PI block with a integral symbol but i couldn't figured out how to find it.

Accepted Answer

Trent Gatz
Trent Gatz on 2 May 2024
Moved: Sam Chak on 2 May 2024
it looks like a PID controller set to "discrete time" & Output Saturation set to "limit output". If you double click on the block, you should be able to see the name of the block near the top of the window that appears.
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Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 2 May 2024
Hi @Trent Gatz, Don't mind me moving your comment to the Answer. With the 'Limit output' option activated, the block looks like this:

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