Solve the differential equation using Crank-Nicolson method and Newon iterative method.

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I'm tring to solve the eqation something like this to get the transient temperature of each node:
where, ๐‘ก is time; ๐‘ƒ(๐‘ก) is the input power; ๐‘๐‘– is the note ๐‘– (๐‘– = 1,2,.. .,n+1) (๐‘1 is the heat source and ๐‘๐‘›+1 is the constant temperature environment); ๐‘‡๐‘– = ๐‘‡๐‘–(๐‘ก) is the temperature at ๐‘๐‘– while t; ๐‘…๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘– is the thermal resistance between ๐‘๐‘– and ๐‘๐‘–+1; ๐ถ๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘– is the thermal capacity of ๐‘๐‘–.
With the initial condition:
I try to discretize in time with Crank Nicolson method and solve it using Newton iterative method:
But I don't know how to do that with f(t) equation contains Ti-1, Ti and Ti+1 together, could anyone know how to solve this? I would like to obtain Ti(t) , thanks a lot.
I have tried it like this, but it seems like a wrong code.
n = 4;
dt = 0.01;
timesteps = 1000;
R = [6.9364, 8.3004, 2.8952, 12.0162];
C = [1, 2, 1, 2];
P_steady_state = 1.24;
T_steady_state = P_steady_state * sum(R);
T = 25*ones(n, timesteps);
T(:, 1) = T_steady_state;
% Crank-Nicolson method
for t = 2:timesteps-1
for j = 1:n-1
if j == 1
f = P_steady_state + T(j+1, t) - T(j, t) / (C(j) * R(j));
f = (T(j-1, t) - T(j, t))/(C(j) * R(j-1)) + (T(j+1, t) - T(j, t))/(C(j) * R(j));
if j == 1
f_t = P_steady_state + T(j+1, t+1) - T(j, t+1) / (C(j) * R(j));
f_t = (T(j-1, t+1) - T(j, t+1))/(C(j) * R(j-1)) + (T(j+1, t+1) - T(j, t+1))/(C(j) * R(j));
T(j, t+1) = T(j, t) + 0.5 * dt * f_t + 0.5 * dt * f;
Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya on 31 Mar 2024
Check the code that implements the Crank-Nicolson method and the Newton-Raphson iterative solver for the transient temperature problem you described:
% Problem parameters
n = 4; % Number of nodes
dt = 0.01; % Time step size
timesteps = 1000; % Number of time steps
R = [6.9364, 8.3004, 2.8952, 12.0162]; % Thermal resistances
C = [1, 2, 1, 2]; % Thermal capacities
P_steady_state = 1.24; % Steady-state power input
% Initial conditions
T_steady_state = P_steady_state * sum(R); % Steady-state temperature
T = T_steady_state * ones(n, 1); % Initialize temperature vector
% Time loop
for t = 2:timesteps
% Newton-Raphson iteration
max_iter = 100; % Maximum number of iterations
tol = 1e-6; % Convergence tolerance
for iter = 1:max_iter
% Compute residuals
F = zeros(n, 1);
F(1) = P_steady_state + (T(2) - T(1)) / (C(1) * R(1)) - (dt / 2) * F(1);
for i = 2:n-1
F(i) = (T(i-1) - T(i)) / (C(i) * R(i-1)) + (T(i+1) - T(i)) / (C(i) * R(i)) - (dt / 2) * F(i);
F(n) = (T(n-1) - T(n)) / (C(n) * R(n-1)) - (dt / 2) * F(n);
% Compute Jacobian
J = zeros(n, n);
J(1, 1) = -1 / (C(1) * R(1)) - dt / 2;
J(1, 2) = 1 / (C(1) * R(1));
for i = 2:n-1
J(i, i-1) = 1 / (C(i) * R(i-1));
J(i, i) = -1 / (C(i) * R(i-1)) - 1 / (C(i) * R(i)) - dt / 2;
J(i, i+1) = 1 / (C(i) * R(i));
J(n, n-1) = 1 / (C(n) * R(n-1));
J(n, n) = -1 / (C(n) * R(n-1)) - dt / 2;
% Solve for temperature update
dT = -J \ F;
% Update temperature
T = T + dT;
% Check convergence
if norm(F, Inf) < tol
% Store temperature for current time step
T_sol(:, t) = T;
larry liu
larry liu on 31 Mar 2024
Edited: larry liu on 31 Mar 2024
@Manikanta Aditya Thank you very much for your help. I change a little code here
% Initial conditions
T_steady_state = 25*ones(n);
for i = 1:n
for k = i:n
T_steady_state(i) = T_steady_state(i) + P_steady_state * R(k);
T = T_steady_state(:,1) .* ones(n, 1)
If I have a boundary condition where T of each node will be 25 degrees C after steady state, how should I modify it?
The temperature profile of node will be like something like this:

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