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insert datetime in array

3 views (last 30 days)
Trop Trader
Trop Trader on 27 Feb 2024
Commented: Voss on 27 Feb 2024
how can i insert datetime in the datetime array?
Example: insert 2008-03-28 in array
result: 2008-01-05 2008-02-02 2008-03-01 2008-03-28 2008-04-05 ........

Accepted Answer

Voss on 27 Feb 2024
Edited: Voss on 27 Feb 2024
I assume the array is sorted and needs to remain sorted after inserting the new element.
One easy way is to concatenate the new element with the array and then sort that new array:
% a datetime array:
fmt = 'uuuu-MM-dd';
dt_array = datetime({'2008-01-05','2008-02-02','2008-03-01','2008-04-05'},'InputFormat',fmt)
dt_array = 1×4 datetime array
05-Jan-2008 02-Feb-2008 01-Mar-2008 05-Apr-2008
% a datetime scalar:
new_dt = datetime('2008-03-28','InputFormat',fmt)
new_dt = datetime
% concatenate and sort:
dt_array = sort([dt_array new_dt])
dt_array = 1×5 datetime array
05-Jan-2008 02-Feb-2008 01-Mar-2008 28-Mar-2008 05-Apr-2008
  1 Comment
Voss on 27 Feb 2024
Another more involved way is to find where the new element belongs in the array and insert it there:
% a datetime array:
fmt = 'uuuu-MM-dd';
dt_array = datetime({'2008-01-05','2008-02-02','2008-03-01','2008-04-05'},'InputFormat',fmt)
dt_array = 1×4 datetime array
05-Jan-2008 02-Feb-2008 01-Mar-2008 05-Apr-2008
% a datetime scalar:
new_dt = datetime('2008-03-28','InputFormat',fmt)
new_dt = datetime
% make sure the array is sorted
if ~issorted(dt_array)
% and sort it if not
dt_array = sort(dt_array);
% find the index of the first element of dt_array later than new_dt
idx = find(dt_array > new_dt, 1);
% if there are no elements later than new_dt
if isempty(idx)
% then new_dt goes on the end
idx = numel(dt_array)+1;
% insert dt_new at index idx in dt_array
dt_array = [dt_array(1:idx-1) new_dt dt_array(idx:end)]
dt_array = 1×5 datetime array
05-Jan-2008 02-Feb-2008 01-Mar-2008 28-Mar-2008 05-Apr-2008

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