How to measure the frequency of a 3 phase generator in simscape electrical

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I would like to measure the freqeuncy of a 3 phase signal generated by a 3 phase generator in simscape electrical?
I didn't use the sps library for my model, is there any alternative in the simscape electrical (the blue blocks)?
thank you

Accepted Answer

Sabin on 14 Jan 2024
You can use a Sinusoidal Measurement (PLL, Three-Phase) block in Simscape Electrical. The Sinusoidal Measurement (PLL, Three-Phase) block estimates the frequency characteristics of a balanced three-phase sinusoidal signal. The block uses a standard phase-locked loop (PLL) strategy to estimate the frequency and phase angle of the input signal. It also outputs the magnitude of the input signal.
Ankita on 21 Jan 2025 at 10:27
Edited: Ankita on 21 Jan 2025 at 10:27
@Sabin @K Is the PLL still suitable when I want to measure magnitude of frequency deviations (in a very short span of time, eg 0.25 secs)? I understand that the PLL gains (Kp & Ki) themselves will impact the frequency measurement. so for the same disturbance in the frequency of electrical voltage, we might see different measurements if the PLL gains are tuned differently? In that case, what would be the best way to measure the frequency of the simscape electrical signals (physical signals)?

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