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Find the eigenvalue of the matrix R and store it to the variable E

2 views (last 30 days)
  1. The currents in the paths of an electrical network follow the linear equations
(a) Store the coefficient matrix as R
(b) Store the colulmn matrix as R1
(c) Store the rank of the coefficient matrix as r
(d) Solve the system of equations and Store the solution as X
(e) Find the eigenvalue of the matrix R and store it to the variable E
  1 Comment
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 11 Jan 2024
This sounds like a homework assignment. If it is, show us the code you've written to try to solve the problem and ask a specific question about where you're having difficulty and we may be able to provide some guidance.
If you aren't sure where to start because you're not familiar with how to write MATLAB code, I suggest you start with the free MATLAB Onramp tutorial to quickly learn the essentials of MATLAB.
If you aren't sure where to start because you're not familiar with the mathematics you'll need to solve the problem, I recommend asking your professor and/or teaching assistant for help.

Accepted Answer

MarKf on 11 Jan 2024
R=[1 2 1; 2 3 4; 4 3 2];
R1 =[8;20;16];
r = rank(R)
r = 3
X = linsolve(R,R1)
X = 3×1
1 2 3
E = eig(R)
E =
7.4289 + 0.0000i -0.7145 + 1.0511i -0.7145 - 1.0511i
  1 Comment
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 11 Jan 2024
Please do not do obvious homework assignments for students who have shown no effort to do their own work. This does not help the student, teaching them nothing more than there is someone willing to do their work for them.
Worse, this does not help the site, as it then convinces them to continue to post all of their assignments. Worse than that, it convinces other students to do the same.

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