System Composer Traceability Matrix - How do you display both Requirement ID and its Summary?
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In System Composer I have created components and linked them to requirements in the Requirements Editor. When creating a Traceability Matrix, for the requirements axis it is only displaying the requirement summary. I want the requirement axis to display both the Requirement ID and the textual summary.
Even the documentation taken from the link below shows a Traceability Matrix with just the requirement summaries displayed in the diagram:
One of the requirements 'Enable Switch' is acuatally Index 4.1.1 (ID #46).
Any advice which allows me to display both the requirements Index AND the Summary data within the Traceability Matrix?

Accepted Answer
Josh Kahn
on 7 Dec 2023
The traceability matrix displayed attributes are not configurable but it does show the ID attribute so you could use a script to copy all of your index numbers to the ID attribute like this:
function copyRequirementIndexesToID(reqSetName)
% copyRequirementIndexesToID - Copies the index number of the
% requirement into the ID attribute of the requirement.
% Usage:
% copyRequirementIndexesToID('MyReqSet.slreqx');
reqSetName (1,:) char {mustBeFile}
requirementSet = slreq.load(reqSetName);
requirements = find(requirementSet, Type='Requirement');
if ~isempty(requirements)
for requirement = requirements
requirement.Id = requirement.Index;
Hope this helps,
Josh Kahn
on 12 Dec 2023
Happy to help! Just be careful to keep them in sync if you are relying on the numbers since they can change if you reorder or add/remove requirements. You can also call the script in the pre-save callback for the requirement set to ensure that it is not stale.
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