suggest me on implementing a genetic algorithm or a similar heuristic to determine the best charging station locations based on this data

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I'm exploring heuristic algorithms in MATLAB for finding the optimal placement of charging stations within a limited number of locations, considering the power demand at different points in my distribution system. Can anyone suggest me on implementing a genetic algorithm or a similar heuristic to determine the best charging station locations based on this data

Accepted Answer

recent works
recent works on 30 Nov 2023
% Assuming powerDemand is available and represents demand distribution
% Assuming calculateFitness function is defined to calculate fitness based on demand and station placement
% Parameters
numStationsAllowed = 3; % Example: Maximum 3 stations allowed
populationSize = 50;
maxGenerations = 100;
% Define fitness function
fitnessFunc = @(x) calculateFitness(x, powerDemand);
% Use genetic algorithm to find optimal station placement
options = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize', populationSize, 'MaxGenerations', maxGenerations);
bestSolution = ga(fitnessFunc, numel(powerDemand), [], [], [], [], zeros(1, numel(powerDemand)), ones(1, numel(powerDemand)), [], options);
disp('Optimal Charging Station Placement:');

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