H5F.close(fid) flush was delayed, and cause problem when calling h5create afterwards

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Hi, I am using low-level H5 commands to create a h5 file and do something on it, then close it. Then I use h5 high-level function h5create to create/write some numeric data into the file.
If I wrap all the codes into a single function, error take place when call h5create. I noticed that the file size is 0, thus not flushed immediately.
If I take the h5create out, and call the function 1st, the file is flushed as expected, and then call h5create with no problem.
If I run all the code in script but not wapped into function, the same error take place: the flushed still failed.
Thus it seems that the low-level codes need to be wrapped into a function to enable immediately flush and enable subsequent high-level function calling. Is there a way to enable the successive call of low-level and high-level command inside a single function? What code should I add in between to force the flush into disk? I tried "pause(5)" but it did not work.
%% Script-failed
afn = 'GSE51.h5';
fid = H5F.create(afn);
gid = H5G.open(fid,'/');
plist = 'H5P_DEFAULT';
gid = H5G.create(gid,'/group1',plist,plist,plist);
Error using h5create>validate_options (line 133)
'GSE5.h5' is not an HDF5 file.
Error in h5create (line 67)
options = validate_options(p.Results);
%% function-failed
function test1_failed
afn = 'GSE52.h5';
fid = H5F.create(afn);
gid = H5G.open(fid,'/');
plist = 'H5P_DEFAULT';
gid = H5G.create(gid,'/group1',plist,plist,plist);
H5F.close(fid);pause(5);% pause not work
Error using h5create>validate_options (line 133)
'GSE52.h5' is not an HDF5 file.
Error in h5create (line 67)
options = validate_options(p.Results);
%% split, ok
function test2_then_call_succeed
afn = 'GSE53.h5';
fid = H5F.create(afn);
gid = H5G.open(fid,'/');
plist = 'H5P_DEFAULT';
gid = H5G.create(gid,'/group1',plist,plist,plist);
% move out the high-level function, ok

Accepted Answer

raym on 28 Jul 2023
Edited: raym on 28 Jul 2023
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