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Plot data from txt file

28 views (last 30 days)
Angel Lozada
Angel Lozada on 9 Jun 2023
Commented: Star Strider on 13 Jun 2023
I plotted a set of data (860000 samples) getting the followed plots:
Plot 1: Emitted Signal from NAA Station (Phase)
Plot 2: Emitted Signal from NAA Station (Amplitude)
The data were taking as 10 samples per second (see attached file named Figure 1), i.e., in second 0 the are 10 numbers, in second 1 another 10 numbers, and so on.
However, when I analyze the plots, is possible to see that there are more than 10 data (>>10 numbers) in 0s, the same for second 1 and so on.
I will appreciated your help.
unzip('Data'),movefile('Data 2.txt','10_03_2012_Modificado.txt')
data = readmatrix('10_03_2012_Modificado.txt');
T = data(:,1);
T = seconds(data(:,1));
T.Format = 'hh:mm';
T2 = data(:,2);
plot (T,T2,'x');
title 'Emitted Signal from NAA Station';
ylabel ('Phase');
xlabel ('Samples');
T = data(:,1);
T = seconds(data(:,1));
T.Format = 'hh:mm';
T3 = data(:,3);
plot (T,T3,'x');
title 'Emitted Signal from NAA Station';
ylabel ('Apmlitude');
xlabel ('Samples');
Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Jun 2023
I am not certain what you want to do.
The time vector appears to be consistent. The only detail that I can add is to combine the amplitude and phase data to create a complex signal and then plot the magnitude of the result —
Uzp = unzip('Data');
A1 = readmatrix(Uzp{1})
A1 = 864000×3
0 -101.0300 23.5600 0.1000 -100.2100 23.8600 0.2000 -101.7000 23.5600 0.3000 -107.6600 23.4700 0.4000 -110.5400 22.7800 0.5000 -112.2900 21.6600 0.6000 -107.4600 21.6700 0.7000 -115.9300 21.2700 0.8000 -114.0500 22.2300 0.9000 -110.9900 22.2400
t = seconds(A1(:,1));
yyaxis left
plot(t, A1(:,2))
ylabel('Phase (°)')
yyaxis right
plot(t, A1(:,3))
xlim([t(1) t(end)])
cs = A1(:,3) .* exp(1j*deg2rad(A1(:,2))); % Complex Signal
plot(t, abs(cs))
xlim([t(1) t(end)])
I do not know what the result is supposed to look like, or what the data actaully represent.
Angel Lozada
Angel Lozada on 10 Jun 2023
Dear Star Strider.
First at all, thanks for your soon reply and support.
I will try to explain in a better way my inquiry.
As you can see in previous attached .txt file there are 3 columns indicating a giving information for a signal.
Column 1: seconds and sample in each second; Column: 2 Phase and Column 3: Amplitude.
Let say we take a look to Phase data. In column 1 the collected data begin at 0s and during this time we have 10 samples (from 0.0 to 0.9), then at 1s we have other ten samples (1.0 to 1.9), and so on.
Attached file Figure 3 shows the expected plot (plotting 10 samples in each second) and also shows what I am getting in current Phase plot (a lot of samples between second 0 and 1). You can see in this Figure 3 that is a kind of discrete plot, because there is information (samples) only in each second and not in between.
Again, thanks for your support and patience.

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Jun 2023
If you simply want to aggregate the data in each second and plot them that way, try something like this —
Uzp = unzip('Data');
A1 = readmatrix(Uzp{1})
A1 = 864000×3
0 -101.0300 23.5600 0.1000 -100.2100 23.8600 0.2000 -101.7000 23.5600 0.3000 -107.6600 23.4700 0.4000 -110.5400 22.7800 0.5000 -112.2900 21.6600 0.6000 -107.4600 21.6700 0.7000 -115.9300 21.2700 0.8000 -114.0500 22.2300 0.9000 -110.9900 22.2400
t = seconds(A1(:,1));
ixv = ceil(A1(:,1) + 1E-12); % Index Vector For 'accumarray'
secv = accumarray(ixv, (1:size(A1,1)).', [], @(x){A1(x,[2 3])}) % Aggregatte Points By Second
secv = 86400×1 cell array
{10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double} {10×2 double}
A2 = reshape(cell2mat(secv).', 2,10,[]); % Convert To Numeric MAtrix From Cell Array & Reshape ARray
tv = unique(ixv); % Corresponding Time Vector
yyaxis left
plot(tv, squeeze(A2(1,:,tv)), '.')
ylabel('Phase (°)')
yyaxis right
plot(tv, squeeze(A2(2,:,tv)), '.')
% xlim([tv(1) tv(end)])
xlim([0 5.5])
% cs = A2(2,:,:) .* exp(1j*deg2rad(A2(1,:,:))); % Complex Signal
% figure
% plot(tv, squeeze(abs(cs)))
% grid
% xlabel('Time')
% ylabel('Magnitude')
% % xlim([0 5.5])
% xlim([tv(1) tv(end)])
This plots them as dots rather than asterisks. Choose whatever marker you want.
Angel Lozada
Angel Lozada on 13 Jun 2023
Star Strider.
Thanks for your cooperation.
I appreciated.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Jun 2023
As always, my pleasure!

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