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How to improve my graph?

3 views (last 30 days)
Adrian Kleffler
Adrian Kleffler on 22 May 2023
Commented: Ranjeet on 1 Jun 2023
Hello guys, I made an object detector YOLOv4 and after runnin this code:
[ap,recall,precision] = evaluateDetectionPrecision(detectionResults,testData);
recallv = cell2mat(recall);
precisionv = cell2mat(precision);
[r,index] = sort(recallv);
p = precisionv(index);
grid on
title(sprintf("Average Precision = %.2f",mean(ap)))
My graph looks like this :
But in Matlab example their graph looks like this :
I have 5 classes in my object detector...
What can be wrong ? Thanks for help
  1 Comment
Ranjeet on 1 Jun 2023
Hi Adrian,
Testing the following script in R2022b, I do not face any issues.
However, I wanted to ask "Why are you using cell2mat with recall and precision? They are already be a returned as a vector and not cell. Is the operation not throwing any error?"
Also, providing the script that is being used for training might help.

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