copying arrays from one variable to another .

104 views (last 30 days)
i have 2 variables, a=[22 23 43 0 0 0 0], now i need to copy array ' a ' to ' b ' from 1st element to 3rd element. how can it be done?? i tried b=a(3); , b=a(:,3), all these copies only that corresponding element.

Accepted Answer

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 5 Apr 2015
Pradeep - if you want to copy the first three elements of a into b, then just do
a = [22 23 43 0 0 0 0];
b = a(:,1:3);
In the above, since a is a row vector, we want to copy the first three elements (columns) of a. Try it and see what happens!
Kelsey Romine
Kelsey Romine on 12 Sep 2017
What if I need the first two elements and the fourth and fifth elements?
Kelsey Romine
Kelsey Romine on 12 Sep 2017
Never mind. I figured it out: b = a(:, [1:2, 3:4]);

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