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tiled layout with boxplot overlaid by scatterplot

12 views (last 30 days)
I have a boxplot with an overlaid scatterplot, that I would now like to put into a tiled layout. The data (PSD) is grouped by condition (on the x axis for boxchart) and by the participant number (colors of the scatter plot). When I change the column of PSD, I would like it to plot it in another tile. However, when I try to put it in the tiled layout, the box chart no longer shows up. In the code I've commented out how I tried to implement the tiledlayout.
clear color
%preallocate an array of of colors with NaN
color=NaN(length(double(type)), 3);
for i=1:npeople
[colorinx,tf]=listdlg('PromptString', append('Select the files for participant ', num2str(i)), 'SelectionMode','multiple','ListString',rownames, 'ListSize', [300 200]);
%list of possible colors
colors={'red'; 'green'; 'blue'; 'magenta'; 'yellow'; 'black'};
%assign the colors a color code
colorCodes = [[1 0 0]; [0 1 0]; [0 0 1]; [0 1 1]; [1 0 1]; [1 1 0]; [0 0 0]];
coloroption=listdlg('PromptString', 'Select color for this participant', 'SelectionMode','multiple','ListString',colors, 'ListSize', [300 200]);
%match the colors selected with their color code
color(colorinx,:)=colorCodes(coloroption,:).*ones(size( color(colorinx,:)));
%for loop that changes PSD values being plotted
for i=1:5
%make the grouping column (cond) numerical so that it can be used in scatterplot
type = renamecats(categorical(cond), {'condition x', 'condition y'}, {'1','2'});
%make a boxplot based on the conditions and all of the points
hold on
boxchart(type, PSD(points,i));
ylabel('PSD (%)')
%overlay the scatterplot onto the boxplot made earlier
scatter(double(type), PSD(points,i), 25, color, 'filled', 'XJitter', 'rand', 'XJitterWidth', 0.3)
Currently I can get my overlaid boxchart like this (only one color shown because this is data for one person):
But I would like it to look like this in the tile layout:
What I am missing? Thanks!

Answers (1)

alexander Mcghee
alexander Mcghee on 27 Apr 2023
The problem is that the boxchart function doesn't work well within a tiled layout. However, you can use the boxplot function instead, which works fine within a tiled layout.
clear color
%preallocate an array of colors with NaN
color = NaN(length(double(type)), 3);
for i = 1:npeople
[colorinx,tf] = listdlg('PromptString', append('Select the files for participant ', num2str(i)), 'SelectionMode','multiple','ListString',rownames, 'ListSize', [300 200]);
%list of possible colors
colors = {'red'; 'green'; 'blue'; 'magenta'; 'yellow'; 'black'};
%assign the colors a color code
colorCodes = [[1 0 0]; [0 1 0]; [0 0 1]; [0 1 1]; [1 0 1]; [1 1 0]; [0 0 0]];
coloroption = listdlg('PromptString', 'Select color for this participant', 'SelectionMode','multiple','ListString',colors, 'ListSize', [300 200]);
%match the colors selected with their color code
color(colorinx,:) = colorCodes(coloroption,:).*ones(size(color(colorinx,:)));
%for loop that changes PSD values being plotted
for i = 1:5
%make the grouping column (cond) numerical so that it can be used in scatterplot
type = renamecats(categorical(cond), {'condition x', 'condition y'}, {'1','2'});
%make a boxplot based on the conditions and all of the points
hold on
boxplot(PSD(points,i), type, 'Colors', 'k', 'Symbol', '');
ylabel('PSD (%)')
%overlay the scatterplot onto the boxplot made earlier
scatter(double(type), PSD(points,i), 25, color, 'filled', 'XJitter', 'rand', 'XJitterWidth', 0.3)




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