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convert all .mat files to .wav format in a folder at once

1 view (last 30 days)
I have several mat files in one folder and I want to convert them all to .wav format? Is it possible to do that at once?
Rik on 27 Feb 2023
First write the code to do the conversion for one file, then write a loop that calls the first code file by file.
If you have any issues implementing either step: have a read here and here. It will greatly improve your chances of getting an answer.

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Answers (1)

Jan on 27 Feb 2023
No, this cannot work "at once", but one file after the other in a loop. See e.g. FAQ: How to process a sequence of files.
It is not clear, what the MAT files contain, so it is not possible to suggest code for the conversion to a wav file.


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