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Error when trying to set the Path for python executable for ROS toolbox preferences

13 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to run rosinit but I get this error:
"Path to Python Executable is not set. Set the path to the Python executable using ROS Toolbox preferences"
and when I give the correct path, it doesnt work and I get this error: (Although the correct version is specified)
How to solve it?
Im using R2022b

Answers (1)

Josh Chen
Josh Chen on 20 Jan 2023
Hello Nabil,
Sorry about the confusing error message, team is working on improving this error message.
As for now, please try to install and provide the path to python3.9.13 in "ROS Toolbox preferences".
Hope this helps,
Nabil on 21 Jan 2023
Thanks again for following up.
Yes I made same steps to download python3.9.13 and I got at the end the file in the above screenshot. Even if I followed your tutorial (which is what I did), which file should I choose in the ROS Toolbox Preferences to make it work.
Josh Chen
Josh Chen on 21 Jan 2023
Oh I see.
If you run
$ which python3
$ which python3.9
on your linux terminal, are you able to see an output? If yes, you can choose that file in the ROS Toolbox Preferences.

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