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Clear Filters

error "Invalid parameter name: CriticalValueType." in example code.

11 views (last 30 days)
hi - when I run the example code for multicompare from the documentation, I am getting an error:
>> clear
>> pack
>> load carsmall
>> [~,~,stats] = anova1(MPG,Origin,"off");
>> [results,~,~,gnames] = multcompare(stats,"CriticalValueType","dunnett");
Error using internal.stats.parseArgs (line 42)
Invalid parameter name: CriticalValueType.
Error in multcompare (line 107)
Is this a geck or a system setup issue?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 6 Jan 2023
If I understand correctly what you’re doing, that version of the multcompare function was introduced in R2022b, according to the documentation.
You will need to upgrade to use it.
(Thank you for posting the release you¹re using.)

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