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Getting strange vertical lines when plotting roots of biquadratic equation/ dispersion relation

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm simply trying to plot the real and imaginary parts of the two positive roots of a biquadratic equation/dispersion relation, p^4 + C3*p^2 + C5 = 0, the plot looks correct apart from these weird vertical lines which seems to be from the roots changing sign...I've racked my brain and I am not sure of what I'm doing wrong. I've put in a divide by zero check, but it doesn't appear that dividing by zeros is the problem.
Here is the plot I'm getting:
and here is what it's supposed to look like:
Thank you in advance for any input!!
%% constants %%
%absolute value of electron charge
e = 1.60217662E-19; %[C]
%speed of light
c = 299792458; %[m/s]
boltzmann = 1.380649E-23; %[J/K]
m_e = 9.0194E-31; %[kg]
m_i = 6.6335209E-26; %[kg] %argon
% permittivity of free space
eps_0 = 8.8542E-12; %[F/m]
steps = 1e+3;
B = linspace(0.0002,0.1,steps);%[TESLA]
e_coll_freq = 9e+4;
ion_coll_freq = 6e+5;
dens = 5e+18; %[m^-3]
freq = 8e+6;
w = 2*pi*freq;
L = 0.8; %[m]
n = 2;
k_parallel = n*pi/L;
N_para = k_parallel*c/w;
% electron cyclotron frequency
w_ce = e.*B/m_e; %[Hz]
% ion cyclotron frequency
w_ci = e.*B/m_i; %[Hz]
% plasma electron frequency
w_pe = sqrt((dens*e^2)/(eps_0*m_e));
% plasma ion frequency
w_pi = sqrt((dens*e^2)/(eps_0*m_i));
w_LH = sqrt(((w_ce.*w_ci).^2 + (w_pi.*w_ce).^2)./(w_pe^2 + w_ce.^2));
%%% check for dividing by zero %%%
e_denom = (w_ce.^2 - ((1 + 1i*e_coll_freq/w)^2)*w^2);
divZeroElements = find(abs(e_denom)<0.01);
e_denom(divZeroElements) = NaN;
i_denom = (w_ci.^2 - ((1 + 1i*ion_coll_freq/w)^2)*w^2);
divZeroElements2 = find(abs(i_denom)<0.01);
eps1 = (1 + ((1 + 1i*e_coll_freq/w)*w_pe^2)./e_denom + ((1 + 1i*ion_coll_freq/w)*w_pi^2)./i_denom);
eps2 = (-((w_pe^2).*(w_ce./w))./e_denom + ((w_pi^2)*(w_ci./w))./i_denom);
eps3 = (1 - w_pe^2/(((1 + 1i*e_coll_freq/w)^2)*w^2) - w_pi^2/(((1 + 1i*ion_coll_freq/w)^2)*w^2));
Alpha = eps1 - N_para^2 - (eps2.^2)./eps1;
Beta = eps3.*(1-((N_para^2)./eps1));
Delta = N_para.*eps2./eps1;
Gamma = (N_para.*eps2.*eps3)./eps1;
%coefficients of 4th order polynomial
C1 = 1;
C2 = 0;
C3 = (-1).*(Alpha+Beta);
C4 = 0;
C5 = (Alpha.*Beta) - (Gamma.*Delta);
ROOTS1(:,1) = sqrt((-C3 + sqrt(C3.^2 - 4.*C5))./2);
ROOTS2(:,1) = sqrt((-C3 - sqrt(C3.^2 - 4.*C5))./2);
ROOTS3(:,1) = -sqrt((-C3 + sqrt(C3.^2 - 4.*C5))./2);
ROOTS4(:,1) = -sqrt((-C3 - sqrt(C3.^2 - 4.*C5))./2);
% normalized x_axis
x_axis = w_LH./w;
hold on
ylim([-1.5e+4 1.5e+4])

Accepted Answer

Katey Stevenson
Katey Stevenson on 21 Sep 2022
Edited: Katey Stevenson on 21 Sep 2022
I fixed it, thankfully, using rootshuffle.m !!! Apparently, it is because matlab finds the roots, but doesn't necessarily put them in order, thereby causing sign flipping of the roots!!!

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