How can be a buffered signal reconstructed?

4 views (last 30 days)
DuckDuck on 11 Feb 2015
Edited: Petr Janousek on 5 Mar 2021
I have a signal which i buffered with 2/3 overlap. Now i want to rebuild the buffered signal, but i don't know how to do it. To buffer it i used
buffer(signal, wsize, overlap);

Answers (1)

Petr Janousek
Petr Janousek on 5 Mar 2021
Edited: Petr Janousek on 5 Mar 2021
This is now a 6y/o question, but I've been searching for an answer and didn't find one. So I have written the code myself and now I am posting it hoping someone-someday might find it useful.
General inverse buffer function:
function res = ibuffer(buffered, overlap)
A = buffered(overlap+1:end,1);
for i = 2:(size(buffered,2))
B = buffered(overlap+1:end,i);
A = cat(1,A,B);
res = A;
Tried on an actual signal to check if it works:
And it seems like it does... :)



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