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Setting an adaptive threshold for image binarization

22 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone.
Does any of you have any idea on how to set an adaptive threshold on images similar to ones I have attached below in order to binarize the image so that the luminous LED become 1 and other pixels in the background become 0?
I have tried adaptive thresholding and Otsu thresholding techniques but non of them returned reliable results.
I do not expect to extactly extract all luminous LEDs from image but at least 80% of them must be found.
By the way, I also use watershed segmentation after binarizing the image, so if 2-3 LEDs are connected together after binarization, it's not a big deal :)
Any Method other than thesholding for finding the position of LEDs is also appreciated.

Answers (1)

Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar on 29 Aug 2024
Hi Mehran,
To set an adaptive threshold, binarize images in a reliable way and represent the white pixels as 1 and background as 0, you can go through the following steps along with the attached code snippets:
1. Load the image and convert it into grayscale using ‘rgb2gray’ function since thresholding works only on intensity values.
I = imread('led.jpg');
if size(I, 3) == 3
I_gray = rgb2gray(I);
I_gray = I;
2. Apply adaptive thresholding using ‘adaptthresh’ function to handle varying lighting conditions across the image.
% Apply local adaptive thresholding
T = adaptthresh(I_gray, 0.5, 'ForegroundPolarity', 'bright', 'NeighborhoodSize', 25);
BW = imbinarize(I_gray, T);
3.Use morphological operations to remove noise and close small gaps in the binary image. Then filter out small objects that are unlikely to be LEDs using ‘bwareopen’ .
% Use morphological operations to clean up the image
BW_cleaned = imopen(BW, strel('disk', 2));
BW_cleaned = imclose(BW_cleaned, strel('disk', 3));
% Filter out small objects based on area
minArea = 50;
BW_filtered = bwareaopen(BW_cleaned, minArea);
4.Visualize the results to verify them.
% Display the original and processed images
subplot(1, 2, 1);
title('Original Image');
subplot(1, 2, 2);
title('Filtered Binarized Image');
You may refer to the output for a clearer understanding:
To know more about the ‘rgb2gray’, bwareopen’ and adaptthresh’ functions in MATLAB you can go through the documentations linked below:
Hope this works for you!

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