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how to display individual output regression in multiple output neural network

2 views (last 30 days)
I create a neural network with 3 inputs, 1 hidden layer and 3 outputs. I use the "nftool" to train this neural network. When finishing train, I click "regression" button and get the "regression(plotregression)" popup window. I just do not know what "output" and "target" in this graph represent and why the Y axis of four graphs are written like "output ~= ". I have 3 outputs in this neural network. If I want to know individual training output and its regression result, what should I do? Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 24 Jan 2015
Edited: Greg Heath on 24 Jan 2015
1. Please reformat your code so that it can be run by cutting and pasting into the command line without further adjustments.
2. Which of the MATLAB nndatasets do you want us to use to test your code?
3. It depends on how much time you have:
a. Write your own plots.
b. Modify the default plots,
Your call.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

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